Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Make MCU Board - DC and Stepper Motor Module

DC motor and stepper motor are generally devices that they are used in automation control domain,
I introduce the control circuit and programming for these 2 type motors, as following:

The circuit schematic:

Main program:

Copyright (c) 2008 Wizign Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.

main.c: Main program for demo trigger of motors

Version: 1.0.0

Date: Oct 01, 2008

Author: YenHung Chen


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2008/10/01 Created by YenHung Chen, demo trigger of motors for both 8051 and PIC


<>For AT89S52

LCD display:
There are 8 data pins, which are connected P2.
The control pins are connected to P1_0, P1_1, and P1_2.

Step motor:
P3_0, P3_1, P3_2, P3_3

DC motor:
P3_6, P3_7

<>For PIC16F877A

LCD display:
There are 8 data pins, which are connected PORTD
The control pins are connected to RA0, RA1, and RA2.

Step motor:
RC0, RC1, RC2, RC3

DC motor:
RC6, RC7


#include "global.h"
#include "delay.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "motor.h"

// define IO and global variables

#ifdef MCU_PIC

// Configurations
typedef unsigned int config;
config at 0x2007 __CONFIG = _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_OFF & _BODEN_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _LVP_OFF;


// define functions

/* Initilize parameters before run the main loop */
void InitParams(void)


/* Display message on LCD panel */
void DisplayRotateStatus(char* pMsg)
LCDGoto(0);    // goto 1st line
LCDPuts("  WIZIGN LTD.  ");

// Display rotate status
LCDGoto(0x40);    // goto 2nd line

// main program

void main(void)
int count = 0;
int direction = 0;  // 0:clockwise, 1:counter clockwise

// Initilize parameters

/* do loop */
    if(direction == 0){
        MotorStepRotate(MOTOR_ROTATE_CW, 4);
        MotorDCRotate(MOTOR_ROTATE_CW, 2);
    }else{  // left
        DisplayRotateStatus("C Clockwise");
        MotorStepRotate(MOTOR_ROTATE_CCW, 2);
        MotorDCRotate(MOTOR_ROTATE_CCW, 4);
    if(count >= 200){
        count = 0;
        direction = (direction == 0) ? 1 : 0;

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