Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Make MCU Board - Test firmware - flash light

Consider to use the same source code between 8051 and PIC, therefore, I define constants:

#define MCU_8051 // for 8051
#define MCU_PIC // for PIC

Method 1) To control 8 LEDs, scrolling on/off, define function, void FlashLightOne(void),
**AT89S52 : use P1
**PIC16F877A : use PORTB

Method 2) To control 8 LEDs, 2 LEDs on at the same time, while the first LED is off, the next LED will be on, define funciton, void FlashLightTwo(void),
**AT89S51 : use P1
**PIC16F877A : use PORTB

main program:


 Copyright (c) 2008 Wizign Ltd.
    All Rights Reserved.

 main.c: Main program for demo flash light

 Date: Aug 27, 2008

 Author: YenHung Chen


 ---------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
 2008/08/27 Created by YenHung Chen, demo flash light for both 8051 and PIC


<>For AT89S52
There are 8 LEDs, which are connected P1.
Each pins of P1 is connected to one LED ligth.

<>For PIC16F877A
There are 8 LEDs, which are connected PORTB
Each pins of PORTB is connected to one LED ligth.


#define MCU_8051
//#define MCU_PIC

#ifdef MCU_PIC
#else   // default is MCU_8051

#include "delay.h"

// define IO and global variables

#ifdef MCU_PIC
// Configurations
typedef unsigned int config;
config at 0x2007 __CONFIG = _RC_OSC & _PWRTE_ON & _BODEN_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _LVP_OFF;
#define gLEDs PORTB
#else   // default is MCU_8051
#define gLEDs P1

int gCount = 0;

// define functions

/* Initilize parameters before run the main loop */
void InitParams(void)
    gLEDs = 0xFF;

#ifdef MCU_PIC
    TRISB = 0x00;  // output

/* Make a LED ON each time */
void FlashLightOne(void)
    unsigned char status;

    status = 1 << gCount++;
    if(gCount >= 8)
        gCount = 0;

    gLEDs = ~status;

/* Make two LED ON each time,
   while the preview LED is OFF, the next new LED is ON */
void FlashLightTwo(void)
    unsigned char status;

    status = 1 << gCount++;
    if(gCount >= 8)
        gCount = 0;

    if(status == 0x80){
        status |= 1;
        status |= (status << 1);
    gLEDs = ~status;

// main program

void main(void)
    // Initilize parameters

    /* do loop */

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